Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ruth: Under the Wings of God, by John Piper, is the story of Ruth told as a poem. In the poem, David is being told the story by his grandfather Obed as he was told the events. Later, it is told from his great grandfather Boaz from his perspective. Biblically accurate, Piper puts the story into a new form that is easy and quick to read.

The poem is a rhyming poem split into four parts. At the end of each part is a prayer that pertains to what was just read. The poem also contains beautiful illustrations by Cory Godbey. Although written as a poem, the book was intriguing to read and hard to put down. I wanted to keep reading to find out what really happened in the story of Ruth.

I would recommend this book to anyone either to read for themselves or to read to their child. It is the companion to A Sweet and Bitter Providence, which takes a more expositional approach to the biblical account.

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